Top 10 Spectacular Rainbow Spots in Hawaii

If you ever think about chasing a rainbow but do not succeed. Hawaii can fulfill your dream. 

I have visited Hawaii more than 17 times. 

I have always wanted to see a rainbow after rain in my hometown, but I found it hard. 

When I decided to visit Hawaii for the 3rd time, I wanted to find the best spots to view the Rainbow. 

With a lot of effort, I found 13 spots. But I will share the top 10 best sports in Hawaii where you can have breathtaking views. 

You can bring your family here and take photos. 

Why is Hawaii the best Spot to Watch Rainbow?

Hawaii is famous for many things, like its Best beaches, hiking trails, culture, and friendly people. 

Hawaii’s weather is also perfect for doing relaxation and entertainment activities. Here is why Hawaii is the best spot to watch Rainbow.

  • Hawaii has fresh air, and due to very low pollution, it gives a chance to have a rainbow here
  • Hawaii has warm temperatures all year.
  • Has Different elevations from sea level to mountain
  • Light rain is always part of Hawaii’s weather.

You can’t always see a rainbow on the spots we will discuss below. That’s why it’s important to tell you the best time to watch this beautiful scene. 

Best time to watch Rainbow in Hawaii Spots

Here are the three best times to watch rainbows in Hawaii. 

Early Morning: The best time to watch a rainbow in Hawaii is early morning. When the sun rises and hits light on your face, it’s the Best experience of your life. 

Late afternoon: Before sunset when you can still feel the sunlight. It is the best time to watch Rainbow.

After the rain: You already know that the third best time to view a rainbow is after rain. But make sure there will be a quick rain shower. It gives the best view

Top 10 Best Spots to Watch Rainbow in Hawaii

Here are top 10 most beautiful spots to visit if you want to view Rainbow in Hawaii. 

Rainbow View in Oahu

We will discuss according to Island. Oahu is the most famous Island in Hawaii. I found 2 spots as the most beautiful spots to watch the rainbow. Here are the spots and their information

1- Manoa Falls Trail: Oahu

Manoa Falls trail is one of my favorite spots to watch rainbows in Oahu. This place is not only for its rainbow but is also famous for its beautiful waterfall view. 

Imagine you are on the Manoa Falls trail, You can see a waterfall, rainbow, and greenery to make this scene more beautiful. 

About Manoa Falls Trail

The Manoa Falls trail is about 1.6 miles long and has a round path. The path can sometimes slip when it rains, so wear well-gripped shoes. 

You must cross the rainforest to reach this place. If you like hiking and rainbows, you must visit this place. Going early can give you the best experience. 

2- Lanikai Beach: Oahu

The second best place to view Rainbows in Oahu is Lanikai Beach. If you are fully tired and want to enjoy the weather and scenery, then come to Lanikai Beach. 

Lanikai Beach is also listed as the best beach in the world. Lanikai Beach has calm water, which allows swimming and snorkeling.

About Lanikai Beach

Lanikai Beach is about 0.5 Miles long. If you want to enjoy the best scenery, visit this place early in the morning after a light rain. 

Come early in the morning and stay till sunrise. You will experience the best view of your life. Take pictures with your family and make memories. 

Rainbow View in Maui

Let’s see the best rainbow view location you can visit in Maui

3- Haleakala National Park: Maui

The first one is Haleakala National Park. This place is full of stones and dry weather, which makes it interesting. 

This place is over 10,000 feet high. Visit this place when you can see some wet and cloudy weather. If you go hiking, you can easily touch the clouds here.  

The best time to visit Haleakala National Park is early morning before sunrise. 

Due to the cold weather here, don’t forget to wear warm clothes. 

4- Road to Hana: Maui

One of the most famous places to visit in Hawaii is the Road to Hana, famous for its unique and different views. 

Take a car and go for a long drive. You can see waterfalls, beaches, and mountains from the roadside. If you don’t have much time to visit Hawaii, this place can give you a bundle of experiences at once. 

Here are the top rainbow spots to stop your car and enjoy with your family.

  1. Waikani Falls
  2. Wailua Falls
  3. Wainapanapa State park

Start your trip early in the morning for the best views.

Rainbow View in Big Island

Here are some of the best spots to view rainbows on the Big Island

5- Rainbow Falls: Big Island

Rainbow Falls is surrounded by green trees and a beautiful waterfall scene. Imagine an 80-foot waterfall with long green trees covered in different rainbow colors.

6- Waipio Valley: Big island

Waipio Valley, also known as the “Valley of King,” covers a large area. On one side, you can see a beautiful ocean, and on the other, you can see mountains. 

If you want to experience this place, you have to go hiking. 

But hiking is tough here. You have to be very careful when hiking. 

7- Akaka Falls State Park: Big Island

Akaka Falls State Park is another beautiful spot to view rainbows. It has a hiking trail. Hiking is easy, but sometimes it can be slippery, so remember to wear good shoes. 

Akaka Falls is 442 feet tall with a 0.4-mile trail. 

Rainbow View in Kauai

Here are the best spots to view the rainbow in Kauai

8- Waimea Canyon: Kauai

You want to view a rainbow if you are alone or with your family in Kauai. Then, Waimea Canyon can be the place you should visit.

This place is full of green trees and orange sand, which gives a breathtaking view. 

Wake up early in the working, wear good shoes, and reach here by hiking before sunrise. 

9- Na Pali Coast: Kauai

10- Kalalau Lookout: Kauai

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see Rainbow at night with my partner?

Yes, You can see a rainbow at night with your partner and have a romantic dinner. 

To fulfill that dream, Waimea Canyon is the best place to visit. 

But before that, you have to know about the weather. 

Is it safe to take a camera with me when hiking for Rainbow?

Yes, it is safe to take a camera with you on a hiking trail to watch the rainbow. But don’t focus on the camera continuously. Keep your focus on hiking trails, When you reach the spot, you can take memorable pictures. 

Is there any best rainbow season in Hawaii?

The rainy season is the best season to watch in Hawaii. But in Hawaii, you can see rain for the whole year. 

I will recommend you to visit in winter if you want the best experience. 

Must read:

Amazing Things to Do in Oahu on a Rainy Day?

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Hawaii?

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